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More about Machinery

New model of seeder - Turbosem 25-36

The Soyuz-Spetstechnika team has launched a new Turbosem 25-36 seeder in Romania.

This special order is a 9m wide -Turbosem monodisc seed drill with 36 monodisc openers spaced 25cm apart. This is the row spacing the farmer will sow.

The seeding complex is equipped with a 3-section hopper with a capacity of 10 cubic meters.

In the autumn of 2023, the farm had time to sow wheat after corn with the new Turbosem complex (wheat sowing rate – 184 kg per 1 ha) with simultaneous application of fertilizers (100 kg per 1 ha), using No-Till technology.

The video about starting the seeder is on our Youtube channel 

The enterprise has 15,000 hectares, works according to mixed technology, but sees a prospect in No-Till technology. Cover crops are actively sown. That's why Turbosem is an ideal seeder for this farm, because it allows you to sow both classically and with minimal and zero technology, sowing any grains, legumes, small seeds and even sunflower.

In addition, the seeder in this version is more compact, so it is convenient to transport it to and from the field.

See the first sowing results (February 2024).

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